Category: <span>File under Personal</span>

Category: File under Personal

George, Lynne and Eddie.

The Imperial College football team coach that took us to Wednesday afternoon games wasn’t the most politically correct environment. Even our collective superstitions were highly suspect. The fortunes of the team were not written in the stars, we believed, but in the pages of The Sun newspaper. More specifically on …

The messed up user experience of boarding a British Airways plane. And how to game it.

I am a British Airways have-not. I am what Andrew Mitchell might (allegedly) call a British Airways pleb. I have not a silver or gold Executive Club membership. The British Airways haves get to board flights first via a thing called Fast Track. They get called first, just after people …

Dandelion children. Powerful and pertinent metaphor.

There was a new Curator of Sweden on Monday. And it was also my eldest daughter’s sixteenth birthday. Here’s what we wrote in Molly’s birthday card. To a very beautiful, talented, clever, conscientious daughter. You have grown up into a lovely young lady. We are so proud of you. We …

For love or money? Finding a recipe for success.

A blog post in five short acts. Act 1 : The Right Kind Of Investment When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. – @simonsinek — 99U (@99u) August 2, 2012 Rarely has so much profundity been packed into so …

My Instagram year. 12 months. 12 images. 12 stories.

Twelve months. Twelve images. It’s not easy choosing a single image to define a month when you take dozens. What does “defining” mean? Here is my definition of defining. It’s not about me. It’s not about Instagram. It’s about me and Instagram. January 7 This image works on both literal …

LinkedIn recommendations. A valuable but devalued currency.

I blog therefore I am… …obliged to post a review of the year past. Well fuck that for a game of soldiers. Tweetdeck is amok with links to review and prediction posts already. They’ve even managed to displace the “7 ways to write a list-based blog post” brigade. And I …

My daughter’s first photography commission.

I called this blog Sawdust because the stuff I write about is intellectual sawdust from the sawmill that is my career in marketing communications. I post here anecdotes and opinions that feel more at home on my own blog than that of my current employer. However, until today, the header …

Brewdog and Machine of Death. I’m a card carrying member of two genuine communities.

I know how I’m going to die. I know how I’m going to die because the Machine Of Death told me. I read about the Machine Of Death in a book. I heard about the book because it was an Amazon best seller. The book was an Amazon best seller …