Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Category: <span>File under Personal</span>

Category: File under Personal

Where I was on 9/11.

I can remember exactly where I was as the 9/11 atrocity unfolded. I was in Edinburgh then Brussels. The Brussels trip was for a pan-European advertising pitch on 10/11. As Gerry (creative director), Giles (bag carrier) and I dashed out of the agency, an account manager came dashing in saying, …

The worst job I ever had.

[youtube=] This Lancashireman is struggling to compete with the extreme, and extremely competitive, privations described by the four Yorkshiremen. Working a twelve hour overnight shift in the (now defunct) Rathbone’s Bakery in Wigan may not be as bad as licking a motorway clean before breakfast, but it felt pretty close …

Using natural selection for a Twitter cull.

  Culling is usually only required when natural selection, or more precisely nature itself, fails to control relative populations of species in an ecosystem. It’s either natural selection or culling. One or t’other. Well I’ve used both to reduce the number of people I follow on Twitter. One of my …

The reverse psychology of asterisks and other symbols.

F*ck, sh*t, p*ss, c*nt. People are overly coy with their use of vowels in four letter words on Twitter. To avoid the risk of upsetting people, and (woe of woes) becoming the victim of a mass unfollowing, they replace said vowels with an *, or a £, or a $. …

My exercise regime.

I got up at 5.10 a.m. this morning. I downed a pint of water, which I really didn’t feel like doing. I looked at email and Facebook for 5 minutes, mainly to kill time whilst I became properly awake. I changed. I warmed up. And by 5.30 I was off …