Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
George, Lynne and Eddie.

George, Lynne and Eddie.

The Imperial College football team coach that took us to Wednesday afternoon games wasn’t the most politically correct environment.

Even our collective superstitions were highly suspect.

The fortunes of the team were not written in the stars, we believed, but in the pages of The Sun newspaper.

More specifically on the page that housed the George And Lynne comic strip.

Our tradition had it that we would win our game if, in that day’s episode, Lynne found reason to have her chest exposed.

Anyone who is familiar with the stories, which apparently ran from 1976 to 2010, will have guessed that we had a pretty successful team! She was not a shy girl!

Anyway, by complete accident when looking for an image to illustrate this post, I found this…

A whole single-topic blog devoted to this “institution”.

This is the kind of thing that makes me love the internet. It provides an outlet for hyper-niche labours of love like this one.

Spending time on the blog, the wiki and this fan site that appears to be making decent money out of selling original George And Lynne artwork, was a nostalgia trip and and an education.

Now that’s what I call e-commerce website selling copy.

And talking of collective superstition…

Back in the day at The Leith Agency the fortunes of our pitch teams were not written in the stars, we believed, but on the side of a lorry.

More specifically on the side of an Eddie Stobart lorry.

Now this is a brand with some stories to tell.

Our tradition had it that we would win the pitch if we saw an Eddie Stobart truck on the way to the client’s office.

That team was pretty successful too, which is hardly surprising given the size of the fleet and that many of our pitch journeys had us driving down the M6 past one of their depots.

You make your own luck by choosing your collective superstitions carefully.

One comment

  1. Hi Phil, you know how you said above; this sort of thing is why you love the internet.

    Me too + I love the serendipity that comes with it, often as a part of some unexpected chain of events, initiated by something on-the-face-of-it; unconnected.

    Your post being case in point.

    As you know, my Missus is a picture framer, initially charmed and intrigued by your post, I then wondered about the artworks you referred to, and if it might be something @carolcoulter might buy a bunch of and frame for sale. A kind of ‘diffusion range’ for her business.

    Anyway, following your links above to the fan site, I saw contact details of the page owners, and rang them.

    Getting through to the man behind it, Bob, for a lovely 10 minute chat.

    He was delighted to hear I’d heard of him and the business through you.

    And even more thrilled when I told him the Imperial College Footie team story.

    Why was he thrilled so?

    Because until 1978, he was a Physicist.

    Guess where? Imperial College.

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