Your irresistible truth and how to tell it

Your irresistible truth and how to tell it

Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.

What if there’s an irresistible truth about the way you do business? I bet there is. There always is.

Your irresistible truth is why your best customers keep buying from you. It’s why they say nice things about you.

It could – no, it should – be the reason that more people like them come knocking at your door.

You need to know what your irresistible truth is.

If you haven’t nailed your irresistible truth, you’re keeping a powerful secret from customers who’d love to buy from you if only they knew.

There’s work to do if:

  • > Your customer relationships are strong but your first impressions are weak.
  • > Your conversion rate is high but your consideration levels are low.
  • > Your positioning and messaging don’t do justice to how good you are at what you do.

I’ll help you unearth your irresistible truth. I’ll help you tell it in an irresistible way. You’ll have your story straight and you’ll be pressing all the right buttons.

I’m Phil and I’m a brand strategy consultant with over thirty years of experience in advertising and digital marketing agencies.

White text on a mint green background, which says, "With the irresistible truth there's no such thing as the immovable customer." (Brand strategy)

Lowfalutin® brand strategy for b2b and service businesses.

Brand strategy is the art of managing meaning. Its goal is to make your business feel attractive, if not essential, to your ideal customers and other audiences.

I keep it simple. The fewer moving parts the better. And I mostly work with b2b and service businesses that have close relationships with their customers.

If that’s you, your customers know what your irresistible truth is. They’re buying your culture, your style, as much as they’re buying your services. They know what it’s like to buy from you. And they know what it’s like to work with you in ways that you can’t.

The words your customers use to describe your USP will be different to your words. They know your irresistible truth better than you.

If you let me talk to some of your best customers, I’ll get them to share your irresistible truth with me.

I told you I keep it simple. It’s Lowfalutin.

White text on a mint green background, which says, "My irresistible truth is that I'll help you find your irresistible truth." (Brand strategy)
(Lowfalutin brand strategy in a nutshell.)