Category: <span>File under Personal</span>

Category: File under Personal

Filed under formative experiences – a top tip about gambling.

My grandfather used to breathe through a narrow, puckered mouth when he was concentrating. When he was driving in town, or when he was peeling and slicing an apple for his dog, he made a soft, high-pitched sound that wasn’t quite a whistle. This was a throwback to his days …

Filed under formative experiences – going wrong with money.

  To understand the man you have to know what was happening in the world when he was twenty. Napoleon   I turned twenty on 17th March 1986. Two days later the Bank Of England dropped its base lending rate by one whole percentage point from 12.375% to 11.375%. From …

If honesty is the best policy, which is the best policy for honesty?

  instead of giving me customer service you gave me a stern talking to and let me off with a caution Ever had that feeling when someone you’ve known and liked for years inadvertently gives you a glimpse of their hitherto well-hidden or well-suppressed nasty side, and it irrevocably changes …

Conditions under which I’d consider starting an agency.

A friend of mine asked me to start an agency with him last week. Drink was involved. So it wasn’t a serious conversation in terms of real intent. But it did get quite serious in terms of terms. Under what terms would we seriously consider it? Here are mine. Not …