Category: <span>Making & building</span>

Category: Making & building

For love or money? Finding a recipe for success.

A blog post in five short acts. Act 1 : The Right Kind Of Investment When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. – @simonsinek — 99U (@99u) August 2, 2012 Rarely has so much profundity been packed into so …

My daughter’s first photography commission.

I called this blog Sawdust because the stuff I write about is intellectual sawdust from the sawmill that is my career in marketing communications. I post here anecdotes and opinions that feel more at home on my own blog than that of my current employer. However, until today, the header …

Time lapse photography with Instalapse, Hipstacase and Gorillapod.

Actually make that time lapse photography with Instalapse, Hipstacase, Gorillapod, a large Velux window, a 30m extension cable and several volumes of the 1955 edition Chambers’s Encyclopedia. Instalapse first. Instalapse is an iPhone app that makes time lapse photography pretty darn easy actually. You set the interval between shots, set …

Crowdlistr – open, crowd-sourced Twitter lists.

Crowdlistr is a simple, smart idea that adds value to Twitter users who are interested in community. It allows you to open your Twitter lists such that, rather than self-curating, other users can add themselves. It facilitates a crowd-sourced approach to creating a Twitter list. You create a list in …

Google Firestarters : Intellect trumps intellectual property.

Process increasingly gets in the way of problem solving. Thus spake John Willshire, Chief Innovation Officer at PHD, at last night’s excellent Firestarters event. The event was generously hosted by Google and masterfully curated by Neil Perkin. John will no doubt post his slides in due course, and I’ll link …