Category: <span>Advertising</span>

Category: Advertising


I worked in advertising long enough to know that nothing appears in a TV commercial endframe by accident. At the end of the last day of the shoot the 1st AD lets most of the crew go. The senior clients and the copywriting half of the the creative team bugger …

Guinness has made a Honda ad. Guinness has made a Honda ad. Only the absence of a Garrison Keillor voiceover left me in any doubt when I saw it for the first time in the inordinately long sequence of ads that preceded Skyfall at the local Odeon. Otherwise I would have bet my house on …

The infra and ultra of idea visibility.

Average advertising usually has a beneficial commercial effect. Average content doesn’t. That’s because brands pay to ensure that average advertising gets a decent audience. Content, on the other hand, is not afforded the luxury of guaranteed visibility. Content has to earn its audience. Content has to be shared to be …

Inclusively exclusive brand ideas. And throwing away the campaign rule book.

A long time ago in a faraway decade I was promoted to account director at BBH. But the cloud to go with this silver lining was that the promotion parachuted me into a difficult second album situation with the Cadbury client. The first album was this very popular, very successful …

“Interesting times” for brands making an effort to be interesting.

But soft, what light through yonder taxi window breaks? This, this light through yonder taxi window breaks. The breaking light is coming from an art installation sun commissioned by Tropicana. When I first heard about this I was impressed. I was impressed because it ain’t easy being a packaged goods …

Vinnie Jones, a good teacher who wants you to learn the hard way.

My daughter’s physics teacher got her class to wrap eggs in rubber bands then throw them at the wall. It was a sticky lesson in more ways than one. Learning by (sticky) doing meant that the lessons stuck. I only know this story because my daughter was sufficiently engaged and …

The Sports Direct Arena – a lesson in paid, earned and owned media.

  Newcastle United has changed the name of its famous stadium from St James’ Park to the Sports Direct Arena. In the parlance much beloved of digital media planners, the stadium is now “paid media” for Sports Direct. (I am not going to get sidetracked here by the fact that …