Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Category: <span>Advertising</span>

Category: Advertising

Credible facades and facades of credibility.

My career in advertising was mainly spent erecting credible facades on behalf of my clients. That sounds like a disparaging comment from a jaded ad-hack. But there is no disparaging intent behind the statement. It is what the industry mostly does. We search for compelling truths about brands and bring …

Six years of agency staff meetings analysed in hindsight.

You learn a thing or two as the managing director of an advertising agency. Like what makes a good agency tick. Like what motivates good people. Like how it feels when the agency’s heart is in the right place. I was fortunate enough to be given temporary stewardship of such …

Advertising characters.

I thought George and I would talk, by which I mean bitch, about advertising. But we didn’t. Turns out he’s far too interesting for that. We talked about New York City, Brooklyn, the New York Subway, daughters, history, museums, art, blogging, restaurants (Chinese and Italian), mentoring, sadness, and doing the …


I worked in advertising long enough to know that nothing appears in a TV commercial endframe by accident. At the end of the last day of the shoot the 1st AD lets most of the crew go. The senior clients and the copywriting half of the the creative team bugger …