Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Two sticks. One shitty, one witty.

Two sticks. One shitty, one witty.

Two films seen in the same sequence of cinema ads.

Both attempting to influence audience behaviour.

Both adopting a “stick” approach.

Both showing the potential consequences of failure to comply with said behaviour.

But one ad beats you over the head with a shitty stick from the “woe betide you” school of advertising.

The other is a witty stick whose humour, humility and emotional intelligence actually makes it feel like a carrot.



I’ve never pirated a movie in my life, but that first ad appeals to the anarchist in me and actually makes me want to pirate something out of spite.

I go to the cinema to escape and enjoy myself, not to be lectured and hectored by some nanny state quango.

The anti-piracy ad made a captive cinema audience feel like a trapped audience.

Whereas lots of people laughed at the Orange ad.

It made its point.

But more importantly it made a captive audience a receptive audience.

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