Year: <span>2011</span>

Year: 2011

The universal social strategy.

I put together this presentation for an “Inspiring Minds” event by The Marketing Society. It’s a simple framework for thinking about “social media” strategy whilst avoiding the pitfalls that can arise from the very term “social media”. I always present with pictures rather than words so the embedded presentation below …

The Sports Direct Arena – a lesson in paid, earned and owned media.

  Newcastle United has changed the name of its famous stadium from St James’ Park to the Sports Direct Arena. In the parlance much beloved of digital media planners, the stadium is now “paid media” for Sports Direct. (I am not going to get sidetracked here by the fact that …

Memolane : a better, more comprehensive timeline that you can have right now.

I’m not fed up of waiting for my Facebook timeline to be enabled. Partly because I’m distinctly ambivalent about the whole thing. But mainly because I’ve already got Memolane. Memolane is a comprehensive timeline that aggregates all (or as much as you want) of your social stuff in one elegant, …

Tim Fitzhigham on making adventurous ideas happen.

People respond well to original, adventurous, slightly mad ideas. This applies equally to marketing communications and to fundraising events. As Tim Fitzhigham said during his talk at the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh on Saturday night, Tell someone that you’re going to run 40 miles in the desert, or that …

Sandstorm’s elegant business cards. How much versatility, utility and interactivity can you pack into a piece of scrap leather?.

My dad used to work for the Fibreglass division of Pilkington. His business cards were made out of glass fibre. They were well cool. My mate Mark runs Sandstorm Kenya. His business cards are made out of leather. If anything they’re a little bit cooler. These business cards leathers are …

Playing to our strengths – thoughts on “agency” prompted by Google Firestarters #3

Thanks to Neil Perkin for curating another highly topical, highly relevant, highly provocative Firestarters event on behalf of Google. And thanks to Mel Exon, Martin Bailie and James Caig for providing said provocation by way of three alternative views on The New Operating System For Agencies. This is not a …