Strange bedfellows. When shared values are a bad thing.
Shared values are great unless it’s like sleeping with the enemy. The perils of single-word values.
Shared values are great unless it’s like sleeping with the enemy. The perils of single-word values.
You know competence when you see it. But what about when you read it? Competence is a hard language to learn.
Inside every stakeholder there’s a spanner-chucker straining to get out. Use a Spanner Amnesty to imagine disaster and flush it out up front.
You won’t find any climate change deniers on the mountains of Uganda. Thirsty coffee trees don’t do fake news. Nor does broccoli. When the rain fell too heavily on the plains of Spain in December 2016, washing away entire crops, broccoli and other vegetables disappeared from British supermarket shelves. Prices …
My name is Sheila Doherty and my friends say that I am loquacious to a fault. They mean that I talk too much. And I guess they have a point. I can be overly forthcoming at times. They would have been impressed by my entry to the United States. …
Diageo (global drinks giant) picked a fight with Brewdog (small Scottish brewer). I’m not going to reiterate here what fight they picked, but you should read all about it from the mouth of the Brewdog horse. This post won’t make much sense if you don’t know the background. Suffice to …
This tweet appeared amidst a Tweetdeck sea of grief and eulogies, prompted by the death of Steve Jobs. I caught my breath a little. And I was caught in two minds. On the one hand it was classic, no-holds-barred Mash satire. Funny, frankly. On the other the Mash tweet “broke” …
We ended the week with a nice kind of riot. We took the kids to see Potted Potter at the Edinburgh Fringe. CBBC’s Dan and Jeff summarised and parodied all seven Harry Potter books in seventy riotous minutes of clever humour, slapstick and audience participation. For example the game of …