Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Year: <span>2011</span>

Year: 2011

The Lost Books Of The Odyssey by Zachary Mason

Bleached white. Saturated turquoise. Vivid green. Disjointed fragments of story. Flashbacks. Elusive snatches of dialogue whispered into half-asleep ears. Portents. Licentiousness. Brilliant, evocative and economic storytelling. Heaven. Hell. Death (lots of death). Immortality.  Irony. Poignancy. Allegory. And the odd LOL. That’s my word association tag cloud for The Lost Books …

The “cool” tweet from the summit of Everest that leaves me cold.

I beg to differ. This is uncool in so many ways. On the face of it, it shouldn’t be uncool. But it is. Climbing Everest is cool. Being able to share your experiences with others in real time is cool too. But, put those things together, and the effect is …

Using natural selection for a Twitter cull.

  Culling is usually only required when natural selection, or more precisely nature itself, fails to control relative populations of species in an ecosystem. It’s either natural selection or culling. One or t’other. Well I’ve used both to reduce the number of people I follow on Twitter. One of my …

What Spongebob Squarepants can teach us about modern ideas and capturing the imagination.

Patrick : All you need is a box. Spongebob : And imagination. It is the oldest parenting cliché in the book that kids play more with boxes than with the toys that came in them. Boxes are more fun because they provide an outlet for imagination. And it’s not just …

Thatcher teaches us what the internet is for.

William Thatcher (aka Ulrich Von Lichtenstein, and played by the late Heath Ledger RIP) is the hero of the highly under-rated film A Knight’s Tale. He is a commoner who accidentally on purpose becomes a knight. Here’s a trailer for the film. It’s well worth a regard if you haven’t …

T-Mobile Royal Wedding. Big, clever, funny… but not wide enough.

T-Mobile has disobeyed its own (flash) mob rules with its royal wedding ad. Last night, on the train home, I jotted down a list of T-Mobile values on the back of a receipt. (Sorry Evernote, I still love you.) These values are my out-take from the brand’s recent flash-mob style …

Have you been haunted by Facebook’s “Memorable Status Updates”?

What’s all this about then? These started appearing in spaces usually reserved for Facebook advertising yesterday. Pretty random to say the least. Random in that I can’t see the point. Random in that there doesn’t appear to be much in the way of rhyme nor much in the way of …

Drowning kittens is bad. But it’s hard not to drown kittens when drowning kittens is so damn convenient.

Every time you say “social media” someone somewhere drowns a kitten. I said this during a presentation at the Social Media Academy‘s “Social Media In Scotland” conference a few weeks ago. I said it with the best intentions. I was trying to make the point that lazy language can be …

Learn from Bart Simpson’s mistake before “going social”.

Trying to be something you’re not is too much like hard work. It’s usually stressful and almost always unsustainable. Even if it is with the best intentions. Just ask Bart Simpson, who radically alters his behaviour to impress a virtuous girl called Jenny (voiced by Anne Hathaway no less) in …