Year: <span>2010</span>

Year: 2010

So you think you’ve got a community? (Three uplifting social success stories – Part 2)

So you think you’ve got a community huh? Does your community really give a damn whether you are making a living out of what you do? Would your community feel guilty if it felt it had done something to adversely affect your livelihood? Steve Lieber has this kind of community. …

So you think you’ve got a community? (Three uplifting social success stories – Part 1)

So you think you’ve got a community, huh? How much does your community care about you? To what extent does your community get off on the idea of working together to realise a dream? Would this community of yours rally round and propel your book to #1 on Amazon on …

Follow the Shoe™. A cynical view of agency marketing.

[youtube=] Coffee with an ex-client turned into a conversation about “happening” agencies around the world. And from there to a revealing, client-eye view of agency marketing, agency models, agency philosophies and the ™ packaging of agency processes. Said client must have had thousands of cold calls, hundreds of chemistry meetings …

My exercise regime.

I got up at 5.10 a.m. this morning. I downed a pint of water, which I really didn’t feel like doing. I looked at email and Facebook for 5 minutes, mainly to kill time whilst I became properly awake. I changed. I warmed up. And by 5.30 I was off …

Passion, belief and sincerity. Magic ingredients for brands in social spaces.

1) PASSION for or about something is inherently attractive. Genuine passion is highly attractive. You’ll know this if you’ve ever interviewed someone for a job. The stand-out candidates are often those who, either by luck or by design, end up talking about something about which they have a real passion. …

The big issue in social media for packaged goods brands

Well done the Red Bull Formula 1 team for taking first and second places in yesterday’s Japanese Grand Prix. And well done to the Red Bull social media team for reaching 9,000,000 fans on their Facebook page. A good week all round for everyone associated with the brand. Red Bull …

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Is Harder To Kill Than Jason Bourne

This is a review of the Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The Girl Who Played With Fire. The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets’ Nest. Millenium is a monthly magazine, based in Stockholm, with a reputation for investigative journalism whose purpose is to expose corporate …