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Tag: <span>twitter</span>

Tag: twitter

Personal and professional on Twitter. A marriage made in heaven or hell?

What does it mean if you include your employer’s brand in your Twitter name? Whoa! Let’s back up and rephrase that highly assumptive opening sentence. What does it mean if you include your employer’s brand in the name of a Twitter profile operated by you? In other words, can a …

Crowdlistr – open, crowd-sourced Twitter lists.

Crowdlistr is a simple, smart idea that adds value to Twitter users who are interested in community. It allows you to open your Twitter lists such that, rather than self-curating, other users can add themselves. It facilitates a crowd-sourced approach to creating a Twitter list. You create a list in …

The “cool” tweet from the summit of Everest that leaves me cold.

I beg to differ. This is uncool in so many ways. On the face of it, it shouldn’t be uncool. But it is. Climbing Everest is cool. Being able to share your experiences with others in real time is cool too. But, put those things together, and the effect is …

Using natural selection for a Twitter cull.

  Culling is usually only required when natural selection, or more precisely nature itself, fails to control relative populations of species in an ecosystem. It’s either natural selection or culling. One or t’other. Well I’ve used both to reduce the number of people I follow on Twitter. One of my …

Andrex “Nintendogs”. Fit to wipe your arse?

[youtube=] I predict that this ad will eventually be deemed an experiment that didn’t work. Whilst it’s always tempting to push the creative envelope, and to explore new and original executions of a long running campaign, there are some things that are best left alone. Incredibly powerful brand properties being …

Memolane is so good it almost makes me want to join Foursquare.

It took me a while to find an alternative title for this post. “A trip down Memolane” was the first choice but an instinct, finely honed over 22 years working with ideas, told me that I might not be the first person to coin that particular phrase. Memolane (my Memolane) …

The method behind the madness that is @Betfairpoker.

STOP PRESS : This post was published on 24th Jan 2011 based on an interview with Richard Bloch, Head of Global PR at Betfair. I have since interviewed Richard again and the update, published a year later on 15th Jan 2012 can be read here – The @Betfairpoker Twitter story …

The reverse psychology of asterisks and other symbols.

F*ck, sh*t, p*ss, c*nt. People are overly coy with their use of vowels in four letter words on Twitter. To avoid the risk of upsetting people, and (woe of woes) becoming the victim of a mass unfollowing, they replace said vowels with an *, or a £, or a $. …

RSS. Social inside the circle of trust.

I pointedly haven’t read any of the recent posts predicting the death of RSS. And I’m pointedly not linking to any of them here. Because, whatever those posts say, they’re talking bollocks. Google Reader is my favourite piece of social technology. The probability of it delivering something that I’ll find …

The big issue in social media for packaged goods brands

Well done the Red Bull Formula 1 team for taking first and second places in yesterday’s Japanese Grand Prix. And well done to the Red Bull social media team for reaching 9,000,000 fans on their Facebook page. A good week all round for everyone associated with the brand. Red Bull …