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Tag: <span>twitter</span>

Tag: twitter

The user experience of buying Twitter followers.

I bought Twitter followers. Not for me obviously. And definitely not (ever) for a client. They were for a friend. No really. Well a colleague actually. A community management colleague. A joke Secret Santa present. Obviously in the real, professional, non-Secret-Santa world, this would be an unethical, sleazy, underhand, social …

What is Twitter? No seriously, what is Twitter?

Last week I asked someone “what is marketing?” Said someone had just retired after an illustrious career in blue chip marketing departments and a blue chip marketing consultancy. I was expecting an immediate, well-rehearsed response. I was expecting a highly polished definition that was the result of decades of honing …

The @Betfairpoker Twitter story – part 2.

A year ago I wrote about “The method behind the madness that is @Betfairpoker“. The post was based on a telephone interview with Richard Bloch, Betfair’s Head of Global PR. At the time the question on my lips was the question on the lips of most people who were encountering …