Tag: <span>neil perkin</span>

Tag: neil perkin

Google Firestarters #6 – Storytelling

At school we were taught to plan stories with a beginning, a middle and an end. Stories had a clearly defined structure. They were linear, finite and proprietary, in that the author exercised complete control. Many advertisers still plan their stories in this structured way. It suits their annual planning …

Cory Doctorow at Google Firestarters #5 – It’s the way he tells them.

Notice anything unusual about this photograph? (Apart from the crappy exposure control and lack of Insta-filtering). I’m talking about the blue curtain where normally there would be Powerpoint. Cory Doctorow was mightily impressive at Wednesday night’s Google Firestarters event. He was, as they say, great on his feet. And he …

Playing to our strengths – thoughts on “agency” prompted by Google Firestarters #3

Thanks to Neil Perkin for curating another highly topical, highly relevant, highly provocative Firestarters event on behalf of Google. And thanks to Mel Exon, Martin Bailie and James Caig for providing said provocation by way of three alternative views on The New Operating System For Agencies. This is not a …

Google Firestarters : Intellect trumps intellectual property.

Process increasingly gets in the way of problem solving. Thus spake John Willshire, Chief Innovation Officer at PHD, at last night’s excellent Firestarters event. The event was generously hosted by Google and masterfully curated by Neil Perkin. John will no doubt post his slides in due course, and I’ll link …