Find your voice and get your story straight
Phil Adams : Brand Strategy


Foster’s for breakfast, or maybe Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

“Foster’s for breakfast”, in my student days, was shorthand for a certain type of holiday. A type of holiday whose opening ceremony would be a few early morning pints of the Amber Nectar in the airport lounge. The breakfast of champions. Well Foster’s has replaced the early morning pints with …

Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones and a social lesson from 25 years ago.

I saw Bruce Springsteen play Wembley Stadium (the old one) in 1985. And I saw The Rolling Stones play Wembley Stadium in nineteen ninety something. Two big brands. Same platform. Both with access to an engaged community of 70 odd thousand fans. Two very different approaches. And two very different …

RSS. Social inside the circle of trust.

I pointedly haven’t read any of the recent posts predicting the death of RSS. And I’m pointedly not linking to any of them here. Because, whatever those posts say, they’re talking bollocks. Google Reader is my favourite piece of social technology. The probability of it delivering something that I’ll find …

Delicious is dead (dying). Long live (I think).

Unless stories of its demise are greatly exaggerated, the social bookmarking service Delicious is not long for this world. This is really sad news. It’s also a wake-up call. It’s sad because Delicious is one of my favourite web applications. A searchable database of my favourite links, tagged by me …

Busking on WeTransfer. A new model for online advertising?

I’ve had cause to send several large, camel-sized files recently to clients whose firewalls act like the eye of a needle. The alternative options in these circumstances include Basecamp (for clients with whom we have Basecamp communications already set up) or third party services such as YouSendIt. These work just …

Show me a “proud” sponsor and I’ll show you a lazy one.

For proud read lazy when it comes to sponsorship. As in “proud sponsors of”. You can tell they’re lazy. It takes no effort to describe your relationship with a sponsored entity as “proud sponsors of”. And if you put no effort into describing your relationship it’s a safe bet that …

Going going gone. Social media opportunity knocks.

No names no pack drill in this post. I looked on yesterday as opportunity knocked. Opportunity knocked to create some high credibility, high visibility, on-brand noise for one of our clients. Trouble was that the opportunity in question was of the social media variety. Also known as the serendipitous, unforeseen, …