Year: <span>2018</span>

Year: 2018

Filed under formative experiences – a top tip about gambling.

My grandfather used to breathe through a narrow, puckered mouth when he was concentrating. When he was driving in town, or when he was peeling and slicing an apple for his dog, he made a soft, high-pitched sound that wasn’t quite a whistle. This was a throwback to his days …

Filed under formative experiences – going wrong with money.

  To understand the man you have to know what was happening in the world when he was twenty. Napoleon   I turned twenty on 17th March 1986. Two days later the Bank Of England dropped its base lending rate by one whole percentage point from 12.375% to 11.375%. From …

Filed under formative experiences – my first encounter with deliberate untruth.

I don’t know what age I was when this happened. I hope I was young enough for my disgusting behaviour and my naivety to be excusable. I was in a gang called the PVK. The V and the K make it sound like an Uzbek paramilitary organisation but we were …

Signal’s signals: defining my employer’s purpose and values.

Three sister agencies were merged into a single agency called Signal. And it fell to me to define the values of the merged entity. The output of that process is contained in the Slideshare file embedded below. It is designed to be self-explanatory and easy to digest. The output reflects …