Strange bedfellows. When shared values are a bad thing.
Shared values are great unless it’s like sleeping with the enemy. The perils of single-word values.
Shared values are great unless it’s like sleeping with the enemy. The perils of single-word values.
You know competence when you see it. But what about when you read it? Competence is a hard language to learn.
If your copy is driven by category conventions, it’s more than likely that your copy is camouflage.
The root meaning of garbled is sifted or sieved. On that basis every message is garbled and brand strategy is a coping mechanism.
You lose fidelity between what you say about your brand & what your customers feel about it. Brand infidelity. Brand strategy is how you cope.
Third person biographies are incongruously formal. A first person bio is you in your words, authentic, approachable, and charismatic.
It’s no bad thing for a business to have a chip on its shoulder. It puts fire in the belly of the brand. For brand strategy, it’s good to go fishing for chips.