Getting your story straight
Some thoughts for the CEO’s of b2b and service businesses on getting your story straight. A vital component of brand strategy.
Some thoughts for the CEO’s of b2b and service businesses on getting your story straight. A vital component of brand strategy.
The marketing profession is singularly good at devaluing ideas, which is a shame because it is meant to do the opposite.
At school we were taught to plan stories with a beginning, a middle and an end. Stories had a clearly defined structure. They were linear, finite and proprietary, in that the author exercised complete control. Many advertisers still plan their stories in this structured way. It suits their annual planning …
Notice anything unusual about this photograph? (Apart from the crappy exposure control and lack of Insta-filtering). I’m talking about the blue curtain where normally there would be Powerpoint. Cory Doctorow was mightily impressive at Wednesday night’s Google Firestarters event. He was, as they say, great on his feet. And he …
What the frack is fracking? Fracking is an aggressive, invasive technique for extracting valuable raw materials out of hard to reach places. More specifically fracking is shorthand for hydraulic fracturing. Huge amounts (e.g. 8 million gallons) of carrier liquid and other substances are pumped at high pressure into underground rock …
I have a lot of time for Danny Baker. He’s as good as listening as he is at broadcasting. And he’s interested in people’s stories. Each Saturday morning his show on Radio 5 Live has several running themes which act as open invitations to ordinary listeners to call in with …
I finally got to play with my new Storify beta invitation. Unfortunately the embed option works on self-hosted WordPress blogs, but not here on So you can read my first Storify story here. And you can see it embedded, along with my initial observations, in the Blonde blog here. …