Tag: <span>sponsorship</span>

Tag: sponsorship

The Sports Direct Arena – a lesson in paid, earned and owned media.

  Newcastle United has changed the name of its famous stadium from St James’ Park to the Sports Direct Arena. In the parlance much beloved of digital media planners, the stadium is now “paid media” for Sports Direct. (I am not going to get sidetracked here by the fact that …

Show me a “proud” sponsor and I’ll show you a lazy one.

For proud read lazy when it comes to sponsorship. As in “proud sponsors of”. You can tell they’re lazy. It takes no effort to describe your relationship with a sponsored entity as “proud sponsors of”. And if you put no effort into describing your relationship it’s a safe bet that …

Brand self-awareness

Is your brand acting like a dick? It’s not a nice thought is it? Being told by your mates that you’re acting like a dick is like a punch to the solar plexus. It’s an expression that’s used more in disappointment than anger. As in “You’re letting us down. And …