Tag: <span>brewdog</span>

Tag: brewdog

Brewdog versus Diageo. Why Goliath never had a chance.

Diageo (global drinks giant) picked a fight with Brewdog (small Scottish brewer). I’m not going to reiterate here what fight they picked, but you should read all about it from the mouth of the Brewdog horse. This post won’t make much sense if you don’t know the background. Suffice to …

Brewdog and Machine of Death. I’m a card carrying member of two genuine communities.

I know how I’m going to die. I know how I’m going to die because the Machine Of Death told me. I read about the Machine Of Death in a book. I heard about the book because it was an Amazon best seller. The book was an Amazon best seller …

Brand self-awareness

Is your brand acting like a dick? It’s not a nice thought is it? Being told by your mates that you’re acting like a dick is like a punch to the solar plexus. It’s an expression that’s used more in disappointment than anger. As in “You’re letting us down. And …