Category: <span>Digital marketing</span>

Category: Digital marketing

Word of mouth. Making jokes that people know other people will get.

Comedy depends on you sharing a set of reference points with your audience and if those are very divergent then they just won’t simply get your jokes. Helena Lewis Hasteley, Assistant Editor, New Statesman on the Radio 4 Today programme, Thursday 21st July 2011. Paul Stokes from The Daily Mash …

What Spongebob Squarepants can teach us about modern ideas and capturing the imagination.

Patrick : All you need is a box. Spongebob : And imagination. It is the oldest parenting cliché in the book that kids play more with boxes than with the toys that came in them. Boxes are more fun because they provide an outlet for imagination. And it’s not just …

The method behind the madness that is @Betfairpoker.

STOP PRESS : This post was published on 24th Jan 2011 based on an interview with Richard Bloch, Head of Global PR at Betfair. I have since interviewed Richard again and the update, published a year later on 15th Jan 2012 can be read here – The @Betfairpoker Twitter story …

Foster’s for breakfast, or maybe Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

“Foster’s for breakfast”, in my student days, was shorthand for a certain type of holiday. A type of holiday whose opening ceremony would be a few early morning pints of the Amber Nectar in the airport lounge. The breakfast of champions. Well Foster’s has replaced the early morning pints with …

Passion, belief and sincerity. Magic ingredients for brands in social spaces.

1) PASSION for or about something is inherently attractive. Genuine passion is highly attractive. You’ll know this if you’ve ever interviewed someone for a job. The stand-out candidates are often those who, either by luck or by design, end up talking about something about which they have a real passion. …

The big issue in social media for packaged goods brands

Well done the Red Bull Formula 1 team for taking first and second places in yesterday’s Japanese Grand Prix. And well done to the Red Bull social media team for reaching 9,000,000 fans on their Facebook page. A good week all round for everyone associated with the brand. Red Bull …

The Chronicles of Narnia – A Facebook morality tale (as told on Twitter).

On the occasion of Facebook Places going live in the UK (17th September 2010 for posterity) an ex-colleague and I had the Twitter conversation which is played out below for your entertainment and edification. And the moral of this story? I dunno. Why not suggest one? (Also available on Slideshare). …

The correct answer to any Facebook question is “er”. (And the real objective of Facebook advertising).

I presented the EdTwinge case study at a social media conference in Edinburgh last week. It was a reasonably lively affair with plenty of questions from the audience. Not surprisingly several of these questions related to what brands and organisations can and can not do on Facebook. And it struck …