Tag: <span>Mongol Rally</span>

Tag: Mongol Rally

Tim Fitzhigham on making adventurous ideas happen.

People respond well to original, adventurous, slightly mad ideas. This applies equally to marketing communications and to fundraising events. As Tim Fitzhigham said during his talk at the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh on Saturday night, Tell someone that you’re going to run 40 miles in the desert, or that …


A nostalgic post, it being a year since I flew to Kiev to join my Mongol Rally team-mates for the adventure of a lifetime. Indulge me. Great memories. Great friends. Great event. If you ever get the chance, jump at it. Follow @Phil_Adams

The “cool” tweet from the summit of Everest that leaves me cold.

I beg to differ. This is uncool in so many ways. On the face of it, it shouldn’t be uncool. But it is. Climbing Everest is cool. Being able to share your experiences with others in real time is cool too. But, put those things together, and the effect is …

Central Asia in an ambulance. Mongol Rally 2010.

Herewith a musical slideshow with some edited highlight’s from this summer’s Mongol Rally shenanigans. Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan (again), Russia (again), Mongolia. Dead animals, dead tanks, dead cars, dead ends. Really, really bad roads. And some really good new friends. Still working out what it all meant. …

Mongol sabbatical

Just back from a month of Mongol Rally action, driving a second hand ambulance nearly 9,000 miles through lots of countries ending in “stan” for the hell of it and to raise money for various charities. Lots of deserts, lots of weird and wonderful experiences, and some very good new …

Mongol Rally – reasons to be cheerful (and fearful?)

Trepido, trepidas, trepidat. Trepidamus, trepidatis, trepidant. From the first declension Latin verb Trepidare. (To hurry with alarm, be in confusion, be agitated, be disturbed). All of the above currently apply to me. “Be disturbed” A good friend of mine recently paid a visit to the UK from his home in …