Mongol sabbatical

Mongol sabbatical

Just back from a month of Mongol Rally action, driving a second hand ambulance nearly 9,000 miles through lots of countries ending in “stan” for the hell of it and to raise money for various charities.

Lots of deserts, lots of weird and wonderful experiences, and some very good new friends.

Oh yeah and lots and lots of dust…

Hence the lack of any posts on this blog for the month of August.

Content generation energies have been focussed on our team website and our flickr account.

Favourite Mongol posts are here, here and here.

I arrived back in Edinburgh at 10pm on Sunday after travelling more or less 24 hours to the minute, and I was straight back to work on Monday morning, a week later than originally planned. Limping towards the weekend for some proper decompression time and then normal service will hopefully be resumed at home, at work and at blog.

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