Tag: <span>machine of death</span>

Tag: machine of death

Brewdog and Machine of Death. I’m a card carrying member of two genuine communities.

I know how I’m going to die. I know how I’m going to die because the Machine Of Death told me. I read about the Machine Of Death in a book. I heard about the book because it was an Amazon best seller. The book was an Amazon best seller …

Machine of Death – short story collection edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo & David Malki

I’m reviewing this book before I’ve finished it. I’ve read just four out of thirty four “stories about people who know how they will die” but I can’t contain myself. Machine of Death is a book of revelations. In all sorts of ways. Firstly I don’t read short stories or …

So you think you’ve got a community? (Three uplifting social success stories – Part 1)

So you think you’ve got a community, huh? How much does your community care about you? To what extent does your community get off on the idea of working together to realise a dream? Would this community of yours rally round and propel your book to #1 on Amazon on …