Tag: <span>community</span>

Tag: community

Brewdog and Machine of Death. I’m a card carrying member of two genuine communities.

I know how I’m going to die. I know how I’m going to die because the Machine Of Death told me. I read about the Machine Of Death in a book. I heard about the book because it was an Amazon best seller. The book was an Amazon best seller …

So you think you’ve got a community? (Three uplifting social success stories – Part 2)

So you think you’ve got a community huh? Does your community really give a damn whether you are making a living out of what you do? Would your community feel guilty if it felt it had done something to adversely affect your livelihood? Steve Lieber has this kind of community. …

The big issue in social media for packaged goods brands

Well done the Red Bull Formula 1 team for taking first and second places in yesterday’s Japanese Grand Prix. And well done to the Red Bull social media team for reaching 9,000,000 fans on their Facebook page. A good week all round for everyone associated with the brand. Red Bull …