Category: <span>Brands</span>

Category: Brands

T-Mobile Royal Wedding. Big, clever, funny… but not wide enough.

T-Mobile has disobeyed its own (flash) mob rules with its royal wedding ad. Last night, on the train home, I jotted down a list of T-Mobile values on the back of a receipt. (Sorry Evernote, I still love you.) These values are my out-take from the brand’s recent flash-mob style …

Learn from Bart Simpson’s mistake before “going social”.

Trying to be something you’re not is too much like hard work. It’s usually stressful and almost always unsustainable. Even if it is with the best intentions. Just ask Bart Simpson, who radically alters his behaviour to impress a virtuous girl called Jenny (voiced by Anne Hathaway no less) in …

Provocative fuckers

One is reminded of the Derek and Clive “This Bloke Came Up To Me” sketch, which we join half way through. Clive : I was watching a game against Arsenal, and this bloke came up to me and said “Hello”. Derek : Oh no… Clive : And I thought, “Christ!” …

Andrex “Nintendogs”. Fit to wipe your arse?

[youtube=] I predict that this ad will eventually be deemed an experiment that didn’t work. Whilst it’s always tempting to push the creative envelope, and to explore new and original executions of a long running campaign, there are some things that are best left alone. Incredibly powerful brand properties being …

The method behind the madness that is @Betfairpoker.

STOP PRESS : This post was published on 24th Jan 2011 based on an interview with Richard Bloch, Head of Global PR at Betfair. I have since interviewed Richard again and the update, published a year later on 15th Jan 2012 can be read here – The @Betfairpoker Twitter story …

Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones and a social lesson from 25 years ago.

I saw Bruce Springsteen play Wembley Stadium (the old one) in 1985. And I saw The Rolling Stones play Wembley Stadium in nineteen ninety something. Two big brands. Same platform. Both with access to an engaged community of 70 odd thousand fans. Two very different approaches. And two very different …

Passion, belief and sincerity. Magic ingredients for brands in social spaces.

1) PASSION for or about something is inherently attractive. Genuine passion is highly attractive. You’ll know this if you’ve ever interviewed someone for a job. The stand-out candidates are often those who, either by luck or by design, end up talking about something about which they have a real passion. …

The big issue in social media for packaged goods brands

Well done the Red Bull Formula 1 team for taking first and second places in yesterday’s Japanese Grand Prix. And well done to the Red Bull social media team for reaching 9,000,000 fans on their Facebook page. A good week all round for everyone associated with the brand. Red Bull …

Brand self-awareness

Is your brand acting like a dick? It’s not a nice thought is it? Being told by your mates that you’re acting like a dick is like a punch to the solar plexus. It’s an expression that’s used more in disappointment than anger. As in “You’re letting us down. And …