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Taking my advice

Taking my advice

My advice is a combination of strategy, experience and perspective.


Strategy is a framework for making decisions. Strategy doesn’t make tough decisions easy, but it should make them simple. In my view, the best strategists are pragmatists not intellectuals. If you hire me to help bring out the best in your brand, my work will be properly strategic. I’ll work with you to develop a framework that simplifies decision making around your brand, in whatever context you need that to happen. 


Experience is a great teacher if you are an attentive pupil. Experience teaches you how to get to relevant territory quickly. It teaches you to recognise blind alleys for what they are. It stops you wasting time. Experience also gives you a sixth sense for the interesting and the meaningful. Most importantly, experience teaches you just how much you still have to learn. What you get from experience, therefore, is advice based on efficient and open-minded wisdom.


Outside perspective is the primary raison d’être of every consultant ever. Clients pay to be seen in ways that they cannot see themselves. This kind of intelligent detachment is particularly useful for brands. Enter me, stage left. I ask deceptively naive questions. I like to do my own primary research. I favour an empirical approach to brand work.

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