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Tag: <span>linkedin</span>

Tag: linkedin

LinkedIn recommendations. A valuable but devalued currency.

I blog therefore I am… …obliged to post a review of the year past. Well fuck that for a game of soldiers. Tweetdeck is amok with links to review and prediction posts already. They’ve even managed to displace the “7 ways to write a list-based blog post” brigade. And I …

Branchout – another thing about Facebook that does not compute.

I received this notification on Facebook this morning. It does not compute. LinkedIn is for professional networking. Facebook is for friends. Ne’er the twain shall meet. Thanks but no thanks to BranchOut. And bloody typical that the only immediate response options are Like, Comment, Accept. No “Thanks But No Thanks” …

Mongol Rally – reasons to be cheerful (and fearful?)

Trepido, trepidas, trepidat. Trepidamus, trepidatis, trepidant. From the first declension Latin verb Trepidare. (To hurry with alarm, be in confusion, be agitated, be disturbed). All of the above currently apply to me. “Be disturbed” A good friend of mine recently paid a visit to the UK from his home in …