Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Month: <span>March 2013</span>

Month: March 2013

Social capacitance

In the world of physics electrical capacitance is the ability of a body to store an electrical charge. You can see capacitance in action when, for instance, LED lights take a while to fade after the power supply has been turned off. These days locations have a social capacitance. Through …

Facebook people > Facebook culture.

Watch this very funny Blackadder film clip. But watch it with these rules in mind. Imagine the action is taking place not in a Royal Palace but in an unbranded headquarters building in Covent Garden. Imagine that the heavily powdered thespians are actually senior Facebook executives. And imagine that Blackadder …

Conditions under which I’d consider starting an agency.

A friend of mine asked me to start an agency with him last week. Drink was involved. So it wasn’t a serious conversation in terms of real intent. But it did get quite serious in terms of terms. Under what terms would we seriously consider it? Here are mine. Not …