Your irresistible truth and how to tell it.
Month: <span>February 2011</span>

Month: February 2011

John Lydon and the Country Life haka.

Advertising effectiveness moves in mysterious ways. One of the unexpected effects of the Country Life Butter campaign featuring ex Sex Pistol John Lydon was that it funded the reformation and American tour of PIL (Public Image Limited). As Jimmy Kimmel says in this interview, he is “fuelled by butter.” [youtube=] …

Andrex “Nintendogs”. Fit to wipe your arse?

[youtube=] I predict that this ad will eventually be deemed an experiment that didn’t work. Whilst it’s always tempting to push the creative envelope, and to explore new and original executions of a long running campaign, there are some things that are best left alone. Incredibly powerful brand properties being …

Memolane is so good it almost makes me want to join Foursquare.

It took me a while to find an alternative title for this post. “A trip down Memolane” was the first choice but an instinct, finely honed over 22 years working with ideas, told me that I might not be the first person to coin that particular phrase. Memolane (my Memolane) …